Hey there. My name is Alia N. I am an ordinary person with some dark secrets and some dirty secrets.
I view this world in a cynical world, call me a pessimist I won't care.
Not pretty nor beautiful just another normal girl with some issues. She happens to have a blog, what else can I say?

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Its Best ;)

Its best when ur cooking with best friends ;)

So today, masak for buka puasa with Wani.

Gambar jer boleh la, kalau explain sendiri mcm malas pulak : )

When its time for the hollidays, of course WAJIB ada sleepover ngan Ani

So we decided nak masak for buka puasa.

Haha. Alia masak babe!

So we ended up cooking three dishes

Masak Lemak Cili Api, Sambal Udang n Ayam Perap.

Gmbr Masak Lemak tak adala. :(

Sambal Udang Ani. Sedap wooooo...

Aish, terliur lagi.

p.s : the whole family was blown away, ha. sapa cakap Alia Nabilla tak boleh masak!


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